Cecilia and Maria Maffei will welcome you to Hotel Canada with their tireless collaborators. Their life is an exciting novel, a mix of emotions between the new and the old world. Daughters of parents emigrated to the USA in the 50s which have spent their youth overseas for returning soon to the home village of the family: Pinzolo.

They lived the great tourist development that over the years invested the Val Rendena driven by Madonna di Campiglio, expanding, over the years the Canada Hotel business founded by their parents thanks to that sense of sacrifice and dedication transmitted by whom nearly 100 years before, chose to cross the ocean to try boldly fortune in the New World and for ensure a better future for their children. 

A valuable example that Maffei sisters have been able to follow and honor applying it with great humility and passion to the complex and delicate art of hospitality and making of the Hotel Canada one of the most attractive and welcoming hotels of Val Rendena.

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